Donald Wetherick: The Musical Training of Music Therapists in the UK: An investigation of musicianship and its development in music therapy trainings in the United Kingdom

Re: Donald Wetherick: The Musical Training of Music Therapists in the UK: An investigation of musicianship and its development in music therapy trainings in the United Kingdom

by Johanna Bluemink -
Number of replies: 0

Hi Donald, 

Here were the tiny suggestions. 

"both integrated with therapeutic training and in its own right"

“in its own right” - could be clearer what you mean by “it”

“literature from theoretical perspectives” perhaps listing a couple as examples would contextualize what you are referring to better?

After the second paragraph, perhaps mention your methodologies for gathering data to the questions asked in the second paragraph?

And then at the end, perhaps more explicitly state that you compare the outcomes of your investigations to theoretical perspectives?

